

Experience From - Barry Fisher , Karl King ,

Barry Fisher

Let me extend this thread from acne to teeth. I've only run three 100-milers, but after each one, I've noticed that brushing my teeth can be painful - this usually lasts for about 2-3 weeks, and gets less painful as time goes on. It's not the whole mouth, just certain parts of the gums and teeth.

I don't get this on 50 milers or 100K runs. My readings on two of the WS 100 milers, where they measured our readings on CPK, etc., were low in relation to the average finisher (according to Bob Lind). I don't have any other adverse side-effects; and muscle soreness, etc. goes away quickly for me. And no, I don't get any acne outbreaks.

And I don't get this teeth / gum sensitivity at any other time. I have regular checkups and my teeth are in fairly good shape.

When asked, my dentist just rubs his hands gleefully and tries to sell me some product or another (sometimes successfully).

Has anyone else out there had the same experience? And does anyone have a rational (or otherwise) explanation for this? Hormones?

Karl King

My dentist said that teeth are slightly porous, and they can dry out with all the air passing over them while breathing hard. When the dryness reaches the nerves, it irritates them and they become sensitive. They gradually rehydrate and the sensitivity abates. As far as I know, there is nothing hormonal about this situation.